Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 11, 2021

Saturday, December 11 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Venus, the planet of love, is symbolically rubbing elbows with your planetary co-ruler Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. 

This is an excellent time for you to consolidate your vision for love and make practical plans to solidify a serious commitment. Relationships, especially with someone older, more traditional, or exceptionally practical and mature, are favored now.

This is also a great time for business acquisitions or transforming your career or finances. You’ll easily attract influential people who take an interest in your success. Keep your pace slow and steady today. Your efforts will be rewarded with love, abundance, and comfort in the near future.

Tarot reading for the day: The Empress.

This is a great day for manifesting what you desire. This is true both in love and also in finances and career. The resources you need will be made available now. Take a step toward advancement in your professional life. In love, you may have a chance to show your nurturing, loving, and compassionate side. Your passion is also likely to lead others to you and you may be inundated with the attention and admiration of love interests.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+1+1+2+0+2+1=10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of initiative, independence, ambition and creativity. You may find it easier to assert yourself now, so make the most of any opportunities to let others know what you need. This is also a great time for new projects of any kind. Your mind is fresh now. Take advantage of the clear slate and put your creativity to work. 

Affirmation for today:

My attraction energy is empowered and I radiate love and abundance today.

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