Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 6, 2021

Monday, December 6 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Today is a supercharge of power for you, Scorpio, as your two planetary rulers are in an easy aspect to each other. This allows an easy and open flow of energy between your passionate nature and intense focus and your gifts for transformation. 

This is a great day for your career, as you may delve into a new path that leads to greater changes in the near future. You may be able to easily attract the attention of influential and powerful people today. 

Your sexual passions and energy are also enhanced today. This can be a great time for love, relationships, or playful flirtations. Pay attention to a love interest who may share your career, or maybe a colleague. You may also have a sensual affair with someone who has a life-changing influence on you.

This is also a great time to attract abundance and expand your finances. You don’t have to work as hard to impress people with your talents or to amplify your wealth.

Today may be your lucky day for: CAREER. You may be in the fast lane today as lucky breaks help you to come out from the shadows and take center stage. Your work and talents are gaining recognition now. Don’t worry about competition, just focus on showing your own potential. 

Take someone up on an opportunity to explore a new project or transition to a new role in career. Though still a work in progress, you’ll be on the right path to pursue a promotion in the coming months. 

Avoid power struggles, but do show your expertise today. Act as a leader and others will naturally trust and follow you. There is a good chance you’ll have new credentials to add to your resume in the near future,  and this will help you pursue your higher goals.

Tarot reading for the day: Queen of Cups.

Your charm and nurturing sensibilities easily put others at ease today. Personal relationships are key to growth and recognition, so don’t ignore your professional or personal network. This can also be a great day to express your power by showing empathy for others. Use your intuition and people skills to help others get what they want and you’ll easily build the alliances you need to go after your big dreams as well.

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+6+2+0+2+1=14, 1+4=5. 

Today’s number is: Five. Five is a number of challenges, catalysts and the energy that incites change. Though this energy can feel disruptive, it is through this disruption that Five helps you break free of stagnation and initiate action on a new path. This energy can be emboldening and empowering today, make the most of it.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am confident in my ability to succeed.

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