Scorpio Daily Horoscope

December 3, 2021

Friday, December 3 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun in Sagittarius quincunx Uranus Rx. in Taurus. Today may feel tense and awkward as you try to navigate career and finances while longing for greater independence and freedom. You may have to retread old ground now and this can bring frustration. Don’t give up on your dreams today, but do be open to a new and unexpected path to accomplish what you desire.

When it comes to finances, you may be getting ahead of yourself. Be careful to stay within your means for now, even as you try to advance toward greater accomplishments. 

In love and romance, you may feel uncomfortable and confined. Assert your need for space or breathing room without undermining your relationship. You can find the independence you need if you revisit boundaries with a partner or friends. No need to go to extremes today.

Tarot reading for the day: Four of Pentacles.

Pace yourself today. You may not have the resources you need to take off in career, business, or personal life in the way you would like. Yet you are taking important steps in the right direction. Especially where money is concerned, try to set the foundation you need in order to expand your plans. Be careful not to overextend yourself. 

Numerology report of the day: 1+2+3+2+0+2+1=11. 

Today’s number is: Eleven. As a Master Number, Eleven is not further reduced. This is a number of intense power, creativity and strength. You may feel as if you’re walking in shoes that are a bit too big for you now. Yet the reality is you’re growing into a new role and new phase. Consider events that take place today as practice for a future initiation and transformation.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I overcome insecurities and stride toward new opportunities in career. 

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