Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Moon in Libra square Venus in Capricorn. This month ends on a tense note for relationships and love. Though you may have to face the music when it comes to some hard realities, you can also find it easier to get caught up in minute disagreements and arguments related to money and financial plans.

Try not to be too concrete when it comes to your plans with friends and love interests. The more you can take others’ perspectives into account today, the better. You’ll have the solid foundation you need to keep from losing your own willpower. Give a little and compromise will resolve disputes today.

In career, try to create harmony. A conflict or disagreement may leave you feeling at odds with people you are counting on to collaborate with you. Don’t give in to divisiveness now. Instead, take a breath and work on communicating diplomatically. You’ll be able to come out ahead of the game in the long run.

Tarot Reading for Today: Three of Pentacles. 

This is an ideal time to expand your reach when it comes to career and finances. You can be ready to strike out in a new direction now, but what you need most is the cooperation and support of people who are on your team. Find ways to balance your strengths with others who are aligned with you. It may be a challenge initially, but success is possible. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+3+0+2+0+2+1=10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of initiative, opportunities, new beginnings and forward momentum. Put your creativity to good use today. This can be an ideal time for you to embark on a new venture. As independent as you may feel today, remember to enlist the help of others. You don’t have to try to take all the problems of the world onto your shoulders. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, my relationships are strengthened through acts of compassion and diplomacy.

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