Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29 – Scorpio’s daily horocope:

Mars in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn. This is an ideal time for you to establish a solid bond in love, relationships or framework in career. Your desires and passions become crystallized now. You may have routines that center around your love interest and the people you value most. 

If you have been placing too much emphasis on the material, either by working compulsively or by treating yourself to a few too many luxuries, now is the time to reassess your priorities. Are you trying to fill a gap where love and connection could be?

Go with the positive energy for love and romance now. A connection, possibly with a colleague or someone related to your business, may prove fruitful in the weeks ahead. Soften up your harsh edges and show your passion and attention to those who truly support you.

Tarot Reading for Today: Three of Cups.

When was the last time you really took the time to celebrate, Scorpio woman? You need to give yourself a break for some much needed pampering, but don’t run up the credit cards just yet. The important thing for you today is to share the pleasure and love with the people you care about and feel closest to. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+2+9+2+0+2+1=18, 1+8=9. 

Today’s number is: Nine. Nine is a number of expansion, wisdom, travel, education, spirituality, and philosophy. You may be given an opportunity to expand on a relationship in ways that benefit your career. Lucky breaks abound now, don’t be shy about complimenting others. A little charm will set the stage for advancement in your career and personal life. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I easily find favorable connections and others are swayed by my kindness and generosity.

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