Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 22, 2021

Monday, November 22 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun in Sagittarius opposite North Node in Gemini. Your carefree sense of optimism and confidence may come to a screeching halt today as you face conflicts related to your sense of purpose and destiny. New information that you learn today or a contact you make may encourage you to take bold steps forward and you may question whether you’re truly ready.

Don’t let perfectionism get in your way now. You don’t have to have perfect communication or completely solidified ideas in order to take the next steps. All you really need to do is overcome the insecurities that are holding you back. Give yourself permission to learn as you go. This is especially true when it comes to career.

This is a challenging time for your love life. You may feel like you’re not as aligned with a loved one as you once believed. Your desire for independence may conflict with your desire to maintain the status quo. You don’t have to make any dramatic decisions today. Try to see a situation through a wider lens now before cutting people out of your life or cutting yourself off from opportunities for growth.

Tarot Reading for Today: Seven of Wands. 

You may feel as if you’re up against opposition today or fighting through doubters in order to assert yourself. Are you truly lacking the support you desire? Or are you convincing yourself that you don’t in order to remain complacent? Challenge yourself to stand apart from the crowd today. Follow your instincts and stand by your message.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+2+2+2+0+2+1=11. 

Today’s number is: Eleven. Eleven is a Master Number and as such it is associated with intense energy. Creativity and intuition are heightened now. This is a good time to step up to the plate and embrace new challenges that help you evolve professionally and personally. You may find that others are looking to you for guidance. Serve as a mentor now, especially by drawing on your own hard-earned experience. You may find it difficult to channel the overwhelming emotions you feel today, but strive to use this as the source of your motivation. You may be evolving personally beyond what you expected. Trust in your ability to go with the process. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am following my instincts and moving steadily toward my goals. 

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