Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 18, 2021

Thursday, November 19 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde In Pisces. Though you’ve had many fortunate aspects between key planets in your sign and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, today’s lucky trine between Mercury and Neptune is particularly lucky for a few reasons. 

As the Messenger of the planets, Mercury relates to your mind, thinking, and communication. When Mercury transits your sign of Scorpio, your keen intellect and introspective wisdom are heightened. You can also become more psychically attuned. This is further accentuated by the trine to Neptune in Pisces. 

This is also a positive time for communication when it comes to love, empathy, compassion, and relationships. You may be able to pour your heart out to a loved one now without feeling self-conscious. Your desire for a deep connection with others is heightened and a meeting of the minds can be both emotionally healing and intellectually stimulating.

This can be a tricky time in career, business, and finances, however. This is because you are likely to operate off of your dreamy, imaginative style of thinking rather than being practical. If you are able to keep yourself grounded, the spike in creativity can help you overcome limits. The key is to make sure you don’t get lost in fantasy.

Today may be your lucky day for- PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT- Your mindset is much more spiritual than usual now, and that’s saying a lot since yours is typically a highly spiritual sign. Today, your dreams may prove prophetic. You’ll be more likely to have premonitions and synchronistic psychic experiences.

Your ability to communicate with the Spiritual realm is also heightened now. Your perception of energetic cues can help you get beyond the purely rational and develop a deeper understanding of the intuitive vibes you’ve been getting.

This is also an ideal time for you to see the bigger picture and think symbolically, which means working with art can prove successful now. If you continue to follow your intuition, especially in healing and relationships, you may experience dramatic breakthroughs by early January 2022. 

Tarot Reading for Today: Ace of Cups.

You may feel awash in emotion, love, compassion, and intuition now. Try to discern between fantasy and true intuition. Your psychic senses are heightened, and so are your levels of empathy. So much so that you may have difficulty tuning out the deep levels of emotional connection when it is time to do so. For your own wellbeing, practice tuning in and out energetically so you aren’t overwhelmed by emotional sensitivity.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+1+8+2+0+2+1=16, 1+6=7. 

Today’s number is: Seven. Seven is a number of ideals, spirituality, growth and personal evolution. This can be an ideal time for you to align your spiritual and philosophical beliefs with your mundane actions and decision. Be patient with yourself now. You may feel as if you are making slow progress, but this gradual shift is helping you to grow and adjust. Don’t rush your growth process now. Be honest with yourself about the outcome you desire.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am creating and manifesting new opportunities and am open to energetic shifts.

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