Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 16, 2021

Tuesday, November 16 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus in Capricorn sextile Mars in Scorpio. This is a fortunate time for you to channel your passions to create stability in your love life and relationships. You may feel greater comfort in your love life now. This can be a great time for a romantic evening at a classy restaurant or to share a beloved tradition with your love interest. 

Your relationships may take on greater commitment now as well. Channel your intense energy into creating a solid foundation, try to avoid possessiveness and jealousy. In friendships and nonromantic relationships, try to create something with others. Joining with others on a business venture or other creative project can prove fruitful.

This is also a good time to bring beauty and compassion into your career. Nurturing connections in your network can help you thrive professionally now as well. Use your gifts for diplomacy and optimism to charm people in your professional network.

Tarot Reading for Today: Queen of Swords.

You may feel assertive, confident, and passionate today. Try to avoid being guarded as you advocate for yourself. Instead, appealing to others’ sentimentality and emotional nature will work favorably for you. Don’t shy away from a difficult conversation, especially in your career or family. Standing up for the value of your talents and strengths can set the stage for promotion or higher status in the near future.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+1+6+2+0+2+1=14, 1+4=5.

Today’s number is: Five. Five is a number of change and can be a catalyst for transformation. Though you may have to face some friction in order to grow, this is a good time to work through miscommunications so you can strengthen important relationships. You may find it easier than usual to let go of barriers to love and partnerships, as your passion and confidence can help you shake yourself free of past expectations.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am able to advocate for myself and speak up for what I believe while being diplomatic.

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