Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 14, 2021

Sunday, November 14 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Venus in Capricorn square Chiron Retrograde in Aries. You may have to work through tension and conflict between present relationships at work or in your personal life and insecurities stemming from early feelings of alienation or rejection. Try not to personalize a decision made by colleagues. Chances are you are not being intentionally excluded, though it may feel this way at first.

Rather than reacting defensively, try to use your diplomacy to express concerns and work through a dilemma. When it comes to more personal relationships and romance, this can be an important time to set boundaries and make sure expectations are understood. You may both be operating off of autopilot and not realizing how decisions you both make may be triggering each other.

When it comes to money and finance, try to avoid overspending as a means of coping with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Try to recognize the underlying feelings that may prompt you to turn to materialism or compulsive work now.

Tarot Reading for Today: Nine of Pentacles.

You may be working toward greater financial abundance and success in career now, though it may not seem this way initially. You may have to work through misunderstandings and hurt feelings now. Sort out the issues in relationships that are keeping you from tending to practical matters so you can find your footing when it comes to career. A plan underway is likely to lead you to success in the long run.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+1+4+2+0+2+1=12, 1+2=3. 

Today’s number is: Three. Three is a number of expansion and abundance. You can get farther in collaboration with others than you can working solo, though you may prefer to do things in your own way. Your desire for development and advancement can lead you to want to jump ahead of the game. Try to resist this urge now, as you may have further foundation to set before rushing to the finish line.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am able to find security and comfort by facing my insecurities.

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