Thursday, October 22 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
Venus in Virgo trine Moon and Pluto in Capricorn. Today you may feel an intense surge of energy centered around work, career and finances.
Tedious matters may require your attention but suddenly you find it easier to create harmony and beauty by paying attention to the mundane details.
You may also find that being attentive to organization and even being a bit of a perfectionist pays off both today and in the very near future.
A powerful authority figure or mentor may make their admiration for you or your work known now.
You may also easily attract opportunities to advance and completely transform your image in career or finances.
When you have the opportunity to embark on a change in career or business, go all out.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Empress
This card denotes earthy power.
In particular, wealth, abundance and expansion are all indicated by this archetype. Become the empress in your field or career now, Scorpio woman.
Show that you have a strong command of your craft or trade.
The power that will take you the farthest has nothing to do with dominating others. Instead, it is the power to let your reputation and skills speak for themselves.
Numerology Forecast: 1+0+2+2+2+0+2+0=9
Today’s number is Nine.
Again, a powerful combination of twos following a single one, this time adding to the energy of nine.
So today, the energy of the individual and power of focus is followed by the repetition of two – the power of partnership, duality and collaboration, four times.
Nine is the number of fulfillment, a cycle coming to fruition. Abundance and expansion, and even magic of sorts.
Attraction energy and manifestation work are intensified now, especially when a series of friends, partners and collaborators lend their energy to yours.
Today’s Affirmation for Transformation:
If I let go of the past I will find what I need for the future.