Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 9, 2021

Tuesday, November 9 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Pluto In Capricorn conjunct Moon in Capricorn. Both family, finances, and career are likely to undergo a significant transformation now. This is an intense time to express your powerful needs and overcome fears and insecurities. 

You may also derive wisdom from the past or from your connection to elders. Knowing your history can help you avoid falling into the traps you’ve gotten stuck in previously. This is a good time to find strength in your traditions and from the support of family. 

Consider how you are deriving power and status from your career or work now. A change in focus may be underway. Follow your instincts and create new opportunities to generate abundance.

Your dreams may be intense now and you may even have an easier time communicating with Ancestors in Spirit or with the deceased in general. In love and relationships, an intense connection to an older person can prove beneficial now. 

Today may be your lucky day for- CAREER- Rebrand your business today or take the plunge and let go of a professional role that you’ve outgrown. You may have a dramatic rebirth in terms of your business or professional path now as well.

This is a dramatic time for awakenings and new commitments when it comes to your career as well. Take advantage of an opportunity to impress those in power with your talents and skills. 

About a month from now, an extremely fruitful payoff can arise from changes you make in career now. This is a good time to transform your image and follow your instincts and intuition to find greater success in career. Look for advancement opportunities now.

Tarot Reading for Today: Death. 

The Death card speaks to transformation, change and rebirth. You can find it easier to release baggage from the past now. If you’ve been struggling to break through barriers, this is a great time to let go and take another tactic. You’ll be surprised to see how easily barriers dissolve when you stop trying so hard and invite flow and ease into your life. Radical acceptance can lead you to find the strength and wisdom to make needed changes now.

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+0+9+2+0+2+1=16, 1+6=7.

Today’s number is: Seven. Seven is a number of plateaus. You may need to act with patience now. This is an important time for you to align with your higher ideals so that you can follow your plans through to completion. Don’t try to push an agenda today. Work on following your instincts and keep your higher vision in mind. The details will fall into place, don’t try to force a plan to come together.

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am free to let go and find greater success without trying so hard.

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