Scorpio Daily Horoscope

November 21, 2021

Sunday, November 21st – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:

Sun enters Sagittarius. Following on yesterday’s expansive and lucky Jupiterian energy, today the Sun officially exits your sign and enters Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius. This can bring greater confidence and willingness to take risks that surprise others. Taking a gamble now can lead to the abundance and success you’re seeking.

Your relationships may be less intimate today, only because your focus is placed on philosophy, spirituality, and intellectual matters. You may have a chance to expand your vision in some dramatic ways now.

In your career, this is not the time to fade into the shadows. Show your skills with a level of boldness that instantly leads others to trust you. Others will follow your lead if you speak with self-assurance. 

Tarot Reading for Today: Wheel of Fortune.

You may feel surprised by unusual twists and turns that arise now. Your best chance for success comes if you don’t try to control the outcome. Go with the flow and let your intuition guide you. This is a good time to be open to new contacts. Break with routine and try to limit your commitments so you can be available for new opportunities that arise. 

Numerology Report for Today: 1+1+2+1+2+0+2+1=10, 1+0=1. 

Today’s number is: One. One is a number of initiation, new beginnings, independence, creativity and advancement. This can be an exceptionally lucky time to work on manifestation and attraction, both in love and abundance. New ideas may inspire you to make ground and make a fresh start. Don’t inhibit yourself now. 

Affirmation for today:

Today, I am open to taking advantage of bold new opportunities.

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