Sunday, December 13 – Scorpio’s daily horoscope:
North Node in Gemini opposite Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius. The North Node is not a planet but rather a mathematical point in the Moon’s path. It is associated with the future, Karma and destiny, that which you enter this lifetime seeking, your special skills and gifts waiting to be unleashed.
The North Node in Gemini is opposite both the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius. This is a relatively minor aspect however being a willful and independent person, Scorpio woman, today you may feel compelled to follow a path which frustrates or confuses you, or about which you have some trepidation.
Try to gain greater clarity and focus, coming to terms with your beliefs and personal philosophy now. You can expand your awareness and thinking and then become better suited to branch out in new ways that help you fulfill your purpose in the future.
Tarot Card of the Day: The Star.
Are we there yet? You may continually ask yourself now. You’re on the right path though it may take longer than you expected for things to finally shape up in the right way. But then, who is to say what is the right way?
You may have made your own plans, Scorpio woman, but the Universe also has surprises in store for you. When all is said and done, this is an ideal time to let go of control and be open to the momentum bringing you forward.
Numerology Report of the Day: 1+2+1+3+2+0+2+0= 11.
Today’s number is Eleven. Eleven is a Master Number and so it is not reduced to Two. Today you may have to confront bigger lessons, larger issues and really make use of your unique talents and skills. You were designed exactly as you needed to be to confront the issues that will come up on your path in this lifetime. You may feel especially drawn in a new Karmic direction now, feeling as if you are destined to follow certain steps, even if you don’t know where those steps lead.
Affirmation for today:
Today, I am moving toward fulfilling my purpose, one step at a time.